It is not easy to be MGTOW, These can help on those sometimes lonely night just enjoy with your favorite porn.
Vibrating Male Masturbator
Just move it up and down
We all know the temptations that alluring woman can be. Especially for nice guys.
Let’s look at the typical dinner date. Have you priced those lately?
Your average dinner dates are 20 to 30 dollars. Now you have even those fat horse like women that are looking to put filet mignon in their feedbags. On guess whos dime.
That why many guys quit being a nice guy.
The only reason we guys put with the BS is a pussy is much better than your hand.
Well, that is until I figured out just how good male masterbators and pocket pussies can be.
Now it much easier to say no to that when the dinner whores will hit you up to be wined, dined, and disappear, as quickly as possible after dinner is done.
I admit I use these. But let’s be honest who does not masturbate? If you are looking to date so you can stick it in a woman you masturbate in your downtime. So you might as well make it as enjoyable as possible.
Here are 2 good models they are on Amazon. One is a vibrating model and when you use it you can feel why women are into vibrators other just a move it up and down models. Check them out if you want a better time fapping, you know what to do. Just be sure to use plenty of lube.
If you want to check out my review videos on those items available on Amazon, check them out.
Thank you for watching, be to like subscribe or comment if you liked my video.
Also, check out my other video on with the story of why need to be careful with women. As well as advice on how to avoid getting used by women or other people.
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